Ten Things before 10

Hello again, virtual world. Sorry for the short hiatus. Life is not turning out how I hoped it would be, but I know that things will get better.

Anyway, I have 1 topic that I was supposed to write about--how I celebrated my birthday at the Children's Library at the National Museum--but bear with me and my slug computer. I will finish it one of these days. Tonight, I'm here to share with you a list which I've learned which I think keeps me productive. It is called 10 things before 10. Whether it's AM or PM, it's up to you. But for me, it is normally in the morning.

I wake up early, around 6:30 and before I get up, I make a mental list of all the things that I should accomplish before 10 AM. My usual routine includes:

1. Make bed.
2. Prepare and eat breakfast.
3. Wash the dishes.
4. Take a bath.
5. Get dressed.
6. Brush my teeth.
7. Fix myself in the mirror, 1 last look before I go out the door.
8. Text G.
9. Commute to work.
10. Answer emails.

Very simple routine, but it keeps me sane and it gives me a sense of purpose. But what I like most about this philosophy is, I can always pat myself at the back even before the day ends. Cool beans!

The tasks really depend on you--nothing is too big or simple. The important thing here is that you accomplish it before 10.

I hope that this will help you too, every day.

Tell me, what is your usual routine? I'd like to know.


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