Ten Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship (from a girl’s POV)

I've been in a long distance relationship (LDR) for more than two years now and being in a transatlantic commitment with a 17-hour difference can take its toll. However, in the span that we’ve been apart, I’ve developed some ways on how to not count the days that we’ll see each other again and instead, learned to savor the moments that I am alone.

Let me share to you how I survive my long distance relationship.

Spend time with your partner’s family

I am not really close to my boyfriend’s family when he was still here; but when he went to the United States, I regularly went to their house just to say hi to his grandma. It became a monthly ritual and strengthened my bond with them. Sometimes, we have dinner together or when I go on a trip, I always bring something for them. It really feels good to have someone that you can talk to about your partner. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone: you get to know your partner and their family.

Plan your dinner dates in advance

And I mean, at least a year in advance so that you’ll have something to look forward to when your partner comes home. Plus, you can plan and sync your schedules together and maximize his stay, right?

Spend time with your partner’s friends

In our case, his set of friends is different from mine (heck, he doesn't even know my friends; and I’m alright with that) and it is very seldom that I get to hang out with his buddies when he was still here. I’m not saying though that you should often hang out with your partner’s friends, but occasionally, spend time with them. You’ll discover things about your partner that you never knew he was capable of. 

Travel alone or with your friends

Don’t get too sentimental about discovering a new place on your own. Instead, take it as a moment to rediscover yourself or assess your relationship. And if the place is inspiring enough, maybe next time that you are together, discover it together. For sure, there are jewels left unturned that needs to be seen.

Understand and accept the fact that technology conks out

For couples who are in a LDR, technology is a double edged sword. It is their main source of communication and as such, it will sometimes be the source of a fight---either your connection is unstable or your line got cut off. Bear in mind that these situations WILL HAPPEN so you better have a very open mind during these times. Learn to understand your partner, have loads of patience and be hopeful that tomorrow is another day to see him/her.

Make your partner a care package

Whenever I travel or if I found something that reminds me of him, I buy it immediately and put it in a paper bag. When he arrives, not only I have gifts from him, but I also have a bag full of trinkets and gifts for him. For me, it’s my way of saying that I’m always thinking of you wherever I may be. Just recently, I got him a card and a stamp from an out-of-town trip.

Take care of yourself

This is the time to step up your gym routine or try out a new sport. You want to look your best when he comes home, right? And looking good during Skype sessions is prelude to what he’ll be seeing when he comes back. Think of it as a good kind of revenge for being away too long.

Check something off your bucket list

In my case, I’ve always wanted to take my Masters degree. When he was still here, I couldn't bear to not spend the weekends with him so it was definitely out of the question. This year, I decided to take the plunge and enrolled. I thought that since I won’t be doing anything on Saturdays anyway, why not make it productive? Currently, I’m on my second semester and The Boy couldn't be any prouder.

Date yourself

My weekend dates have an official hashtag (#corysolosaturdates; it’s on Instagram) and as you can see, I explore the city alone. It’s not big; going to a museum, library or a quaint café is enough for me. Just as long as I can sip coffee and of course, take photos in peace to show the boyfriend, I’m good with it.

Reconnect with old friends

My friends are located all over the country so when I travel, I make sure that I go to their place to catch up. It’s amazing how different our conversations are from when we were in high school; and to tell you honestly, I visit them because I’m planning to invite them on my wedding.

I hope that you learn a thing or two from my survival guide, and to tell you honestly, even if I don’t do these things, I know that we’ll be walking down the aisle soon…just as long as we talk every day.


  1. Soon, you and your beloved will be reunited. I am certain of that (a no-brainer, I know, hihi).
    It's nice to know that you also blog! 😊

    1. Just returned to writing this year to document my weekends (and more) for the boy (who is pictured above). Teehee. :-)


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